
Top 10 Reasons for Tooth Decay: 


Top 10 Reasons for Tooth Decay: 

tooth decat

Top 10 reasons for tooth decay: 

The harder outer surface of a tooth is called enamel and when this enamel is destroyed its known as tooth decaying. If your teeth aren’t cleaned or brushed and food is left on the teeth, bacteria form a plaque on the enamel. It starts producing acids from the sugar in food. The acids eat away at and permanently damage the outer layer of the tooth. The acids then start damaging the softer dentin layer present beneath the enamel. This can lead to pain, sensitivity and holes in teeth. Tooth decay can cause cavities, dental abscesses and even tooth loss.

Symptoms of tooth decay:

  • White spots appear on the affected area of tooth
  • Light brown colored cavity is seen
  • Dark brown to black deeper cavity is seen on the later stage
  • Sensitivity in the area.
  • Pain in the site
  • Unpleasant taste in mouth
  • Bad breath

Poor oral health:

The shortest route to tooth decay is skipping oral health care routine. You need teeth for chewing and eating, its important to maintain an oral health care routine, brushing teeth and flossing regularly. Brushing less than 2 minutes can lead to cavities.

Poor eating habits: 

diet matters a lot. If your diet is not healthy and it contains a lot of sugary foods, drinks and starches you are filling your mouth with sugars on which bacteria can feed. High acidic food can weaken enamel and contribute to cavities.

Deep tooth crevices: 

It is easier to damage enamel when its naturally weak. When a person has inherently deeper crevices, it is difficult to clean them and when it is not clean it allows plaque to grow more.

Dry mouth: 

Dry mouth is caused by lack of saliva. One important function of saliva is to prevent tooth decay by cleaning away food particles and plaque from teeth. Components found in saliva help neutralize acid produced by bacteria. Certain medicines, some medical conditions, radiation to your head or neck, or certain chemotherapy drugs can raise your risk of cavities by reducing saliva production.

Heart burn: 

Heart burn is the most common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux. It can cause acid from stomach to flow in your mouth. This is known as reflux and it can cause enamel of your teeth to wear away. This exposes more dentin to bacteria creating tooth decay and damage.

Lack of fluoride: 

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that prevent cavities. It can reverse early stage of tooth decay. It helps teeth to build resistance towards plaque and acids. It even makes them whiter. It is added in tooth pastes and water due to its benefits.

Eating disorder:

When a person with bulimia nervosa purges, stomach acid comes into contact with the teeth and starts to eat away at the enamel. Eating disorders can also reduce production of saliva. Anorexia and bulimia can lead to a lot of tooth erosion.

Bedtime baby feeding: 

If you give your baby a bedtime bottle filled with milk, formula, juice, or sugar water, it can continue to sit on their teeth for hours as they sleep. It feeds bacteria, which then gives other bacteria what they need to cause decay. Frequently referred to as baby bottle tooth decay. The effect can be similar to the damage done when toddlers roam around the house sipping on sippy cup that is filled with some of these drinks.

Snacking or sipping a lot: 

If you eat sugar often-through snacks and sugary drinks, you are providing oral bacteria with more fuel to generate acids that can erode your teeth. Plus, sipping on soda or another acidic beverage all day long results in a constant acid wash over your teeth. This is because foods that coat your teeth for a relatively long time are more likely to cause tooth decay than foods, which are easily washed away by saliva. Milk Ice cream, honey, sugar soda, dried fruit, cake, cookies, hard candy and mints are example of food items that stick to your teeth.

Teeth grinding: 

Some people have a habit of grinding teeth without even realizing. Stress and anger may trigger teeth grinding as well. When a person grind tooth it puts pressure on enamel and strips it away with the passage of time.

Prevention steps:

  • Just follow the oral hygiene routine by brushing, cleaning and flossing regularly.
  • Gently brush twice for 2 minutes daily. 
  • Consult your dentist on regular basis.

Discover the key to a healthier smile through our comprehensive dental care services at DRGO Smile Dental Clinic in Istanbul. Our expert team ensures your dental health remains top-notch, preventing tooth decay and enhancing your overall well-being.

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